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Results & Discussion


If you haven't seen this animation in our home page, this is the style transfer in action.

Comparison with others

CycleGAN & DiscoGAN

Result of CycleGAN & DiscoGAN

Overall the characters generated by CycleGAN are recognizable, however, some characters suffered from missing/broken strokes and some other appeared in the wrong direction.


Result of DualGAN

For DualGAN, the structure of its generator and discriminator helps it to maintain a more stable and complete output structure. However, the strong constraints prevent it from learning the main characteristics of different fonts.


Result of ours

The results from our model is visibily the best across all 4 fonts as we elimated previous issues that appeared in CycleGAN.

All models are trained for 100 epochs.

Style B

Style C

Style D

Style E

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Style B Style C Style D Style E